6 months ago I was turning in for our second night in the hospital. Sweet Shea was not doing well after his cath and we were having to increase oxygen every few hours. I was co sleeping in a hospital bed with my almost 5 month old. Paul was sleeping on the couch in the room. It was horrible sleeping for all of us. The machines beeping, Shea trying to snuggle me out of the bed, having to fix the cannula so he would get enough oxygen, nurses and techs coming in to check because ... the readings were getting scary low. It was not a fun time. In about 12 hours I was begging for us to schedule the Glenn. Shea was ready, we were ready, we just needed to get the medical team on board.
Today we enjoyed playing with our food and milk. And he grabbed some extra snuggles from Momma. Some when coming out of the car seat, some while mommy was being silly in the car (he held my hand for 5 minutes!) and some when daddy rescued him from the crib. It's almost like he knew how proud of him we are! Every day is not perfect, and teething is no joke in this household! But there are always precious moments that we are able to enjoy because Shea is here! And thriving! Our little 18 pound of love is such a joy. 2 piece outfits for prom party # proudmomma # prouddaddy # sweetbabyshea # stealingallthesnuggles
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