2 weeks into being a mommy and I have been stretched in ways I didn't think was possible. I want to be a woman that is real and honest within seasons of my life to encourage others along the way. The enemy wants us to feel like we are alone and that is a lie! I pray that if you are a new Mom or that you are pregnant you feel encouraged to know you are not alone. Ucenter Dress red items with white to wear of the wedding
I sent a new mommy a list of some of what we have learned and experienced so far and I wanted to share it:
1. Rest
when baby rests , it took me a while to feel tired and I wanted to do more while she slept but I have had to make myself rest at times because nights started getting to me
2. Give grace to yourself with breastfeeding . It does get better and you do get less sore . Don't give up , you can do this! But also know that if you can't that a fed baby is best! No matter what!
3 . At night with your hubby you will find a routine that works . It's ok if you feel frustrated if baby won't stop crying or you are tired . Babies cluster feed and that has been really hard for me. I have had to walk away a few times because my tired got to a level of frustration. If this happens remember you are not a bad mommy, this is so normal
4. You have everything it takes to give your baby what he/she needs , have grace on yourself and embrace this season
5. Take breaks , go on a walk, go to Starbucks , call a friend . You need this and that is ok!