I need help! (Anon pls) I'm extremely confused. I've had unprotected sex before and have never experienced what i'm going through right now. I had unprotected sex June 14th (wednesday night) and I'm pretty sure some may have gotten inside, on Friday (3 days before AF) I felt off while I was at work, and by 3PM or so I felt wet, so I went to the bathroom to check and it was this light beige drop and some clear thin discharge. Then by 5-6PM I had pink/light brown discharge (whi
ch I've never seen in my life, I'm 21) looked it up and first thing that came up was IB. It continued throughout the night, but very small quantities, didn't bother to put a pad on, just a panty liner. By saturday morning I woke up to some light bleeding which continued throughout the morning, cramps got a little more intense and I started seeing stringy thin clots, which made me believe it was just a weird period. By the afternoon it stopped, then at night it came back with cramps, I had to sleep with the heating pad on me. This morning I woke up to a more moderate bleeding flow, not as light as yesterday but still SO much lighter than my usual period flow, but this time I noticed small clots which made me feel even more confused. What is going on?? My doctor said this is definitely NOT a period, and she told me to wait by Friday to take a blood test but anxiety is slowly killing me Ucenter Dress tiffany blue styled items to wear for a prom