Turmeric is great for just about every aspect of our well-being. Famous for containing curcumin, a phytochemical with anti-inflammatory properties, turmeric is a particular asset for conditions such as lupus, in which the body can get stuck in a habitual cycle of reaction, even after the invader (in the case of lupus, the Epstein-Barr virus) is no longer present. Note that inflammation in chronic illness is due to the body’s immune response to a foreign presence such as a virus—not, as many sources mistakenly say, due to the body turning against itself. Sometimes, though, once a cycle gets started, the body needs an ally to come in and break the pattern. Turmeric is ideal for this job, because it contains natural and very beneficial steroidal compounds from the curcumin as well as other aspects of the turmeric that are critical to calm down outsized inflammatory responses to pathogens. Ucenter Dress vintage style items with lace decorated for a prom
This makes turmeric great for anything in the body that’s inflamed and causing pain, from nerves to joints to the brain. Speaking of brain inflammation, many people walk around with undiagnosed mystery low-grade viral encephalitis, a swelling of the brain on such a minute scale that it’s not detectable by medical testing, though its symptoms are sometimes diagnosed as myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS). (This is a tag for a mystery illness that’s the result of brain inflammation from Epstein-Barr.) Undiscovered enchephalitis results in mystery pressure in the head, dizziness, deep headaches, blurry eyes that can’t be fixed with a glasses prescription, confusion, severe anxiety, and panic.
Turmeric is the ultimate antidote. At the same time that it attends to inflammation, turmeric’s powerful agents and compounds increase blood supply to areas of the body that need enhanced circulation, which makes this an ideal spice for those who have chronic histamine reactions, or toxic blood due to a sluggish liver or poor circulation. Turmeric’s high level of manganese combined with its curcumin make it great for the cardiovascular system—it lowers bad cholesterol, raises good cholesterol, helps inhibit tumors and cysts, and can prevent virtually any type of cancer, especially skin cancers. Plus, the manganese activates curcumin’s ability to extract toxic heavy metals from your system.
If you have any of the following conditions, try bringing turmeric into your life:
Allergies, lupus, encephalitis, anxiety, high cholesterol, tumors (including brain tumors),polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), fibroids, all types of cancer (especially skin cancers), small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO), influenza, colds, sinus issues, chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)/mononucleosis, multiple sclerosis (MS), rheumatoid arthritis (RA), amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
(ALS), lymphoma (including non-Hodgkin’s), eczema, psoriasis, heavy metal toxicity, bacterial pneumonia, bursitis, carpal tunnel syndrome, celiac disease, cerebral palsy, chronic bronchitis, eating disorders, electromagnetic hypersensitivity (EHS), emphysema, endometriosis, heart disease, insomnia, lipoma, adrenal fatigue, glaucoma, Lyme disease, Graves’ disease, migraines, obesity, arthritis, Parkinson’s disease, parasites, Raynaud’s syndrome, seasonal affective disorder (SAD), sciatica, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, yeast infections, worms
If you have any of the following symptoms, try bringing turmeric into your life:
Rashes, hives, congestion, brain inflammation, joint inflammation, nerve inflammation, poor circulation, cysts, sluggish liver, liver heat, mineral deficiencies, dandruff, back pain, neck pain, knee pain, foot pain, hyperthyroid, inflammation, pressure in the head, dizziness, deep headaches, blurry eyes, confusion, panic, congestion, sore throat, cough, body aches and pains, body stiffness, calcifications, enlarged spleen, chemical sensitivities, depersonalization, disorientation, dyskinesia, emotional eating, excess mucus, frozen shoulder, histamine reactions, hormonal imbalances, low hydrochloric acid, intermittent vaginal bleeding, jaw pain, outbursts of anger, leg cramps, low cortisol, menopause symptoms, muscle spasms, muscle stiffness, roving aches and pains, sinus pains, hypothyroid, weight gain
For those who have trouble acknowledging their own self-worth, turmeric is ideal. If you find that you downplay your contributions to projects or relationships, are constantly down on yourself, or have trouble accepting compliments, bring turmeric into your life to help you appreciate just what a valuable, shining human being you are, and all the positives you have to offer.
Turmeric’s anti-inflammatory properties are so potent that they’re meant to give us pause and consider what else in our lives could use calming. Inflammation doesn’t just occur on a physical level. We can also become inflamed mentally, emotionally, and even spiritually. This often takes the form of judgment, blame, rage, or perpetual dissatisfaction. Like physical inflammation, it can feel very uncomfortable. It could be that the reason for your initial distress is long past, and you’re stuck in a habitual feedback loop that makes you relive your pain over and over. The next time you feel a bout of existential inflammation coming on, honor whatever past experience has brought out this reaction, then take a cue from turmeric and gently try to end the cycle.
* If you’re dealing with congestion, cough, sore throat, cold, flu, and/or sinus problems, try juicing fresh turmeric and ginger together to make a small dose of concentrated serum. Periodically throughout the day, take tiny sips. The juice will act as an expectorant and help speed up the healing process.
* After a workout or any heavy labor, try to consume turmeric. It doesn’t matter in what form—whether as a spice on food, juiced, as tea, or as a supplement—just as long as you get some into your body. Turmeric can shorten recovery time for muscles, ligaments, and joints after exercise, and it also acts as an antiinflammatory for any minor injuries you might not have noticed that have the potential to turn into trouble otherwise.
These fiery, immune-boosting shots are a tasty variation on the turmeric-ginger serum I mentioned above. A go-to option for the first sign of a cold, these shots will help your body fight back against anything that tries to come against it!
4 inches turmeric
4 inches fresh ginger
2 oranges
4 garlic cloves
One at a time, run each ingredient through the juicer, keeping the juices separate. Combine 1 teaspoon turmeric juice, 1 teaspoon ginger juice, 1/4 teaspoon garlic juice, and 1/4 cup of orange juice in a small glass. Stir to combine and drink immediately.
Note: the amount of ingredients necessary will vary greatly based on the juicer that is used.
Makes 2 to 4 servings
Learn more about the hidden healing powers of fruits & vegetables & herbs in the #1 New York Times Bestselling book Life-Changing Foods