"Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?"
It's a sonnet indeed but the most interesting fact is that this poem is the most famous poem of Shakespeare. Even this sonnet is the most renowned sonnets ever written! Simply, the sonnet is about his beloved whom he loved too much and he praises his beloved throughout the poem and shows the negative aspects of summer. A total comparison, indeed. Surely, we can call it a romantic poem.
Sonnets are extremely difficult to understand but if you somehow can understand, you rock and roll. Such intellectual creation his sonnets are! Yet, some of us never understand a poet's real beauty which is "The beauty of the mind". Modern time supports science and technology. We forget our past, our golden time, the time of the rebirth of knowledge,the revolutionary time. We can hardly remember the renaissance. When art and literature are the two most important source of knowledge along with science. People loved emotions then but now we love only logic. I am not saying it is irrelevant, I am just saying, we are insulting our precious emotions. Brain is important for logic and heart is important for emotion. So, we should remember and respect the both form of knowledge. Without doing the both, we can't call ourselves intellectuals. bohemian style wedding collections on sale