Today, I give thanks to a someone special that I highly regard, who told me I really should write more & don't keep the world from receiving the gifts I have to offer... and to another great person who reminded me to be even more authentic than I already aim to be... & so here I am!! Cheers!!
-45 lbs down & counting!
7.5 months ago, I began by abstaining from white sugar products, 12.14.16. I quit sweets in the middle of the holiday season!! Can you believe that?! Haha!
This journey started in @ 2012, at OA HOW, where I learned about the key to healing for addicts, is to completely abstain altogether. It's taken me 5 years of practicing & learning from mistakes to finally get this far.
After years & YEARS of research, knowing what nutritional choices are truly the most healing, & having always wanted to, a month later, in Jan. 20, 2017, I began a high-fruit diet.
Another month later, I started eating an overall diet of 80% raw, low fat, vegan fruitarian. Feb 13, 2017
And ... the past few months I've been continually working at REMAINING 100% fully raw fruitarian. I feel my best on all fruit, however, it's very difficult. Temptations & old ways creep back in. I make it about 4-8 days & wind up caving in. But... the strings of success are getting longer each time!!
I just keep at it!
I've struggled with weight & food/ sweets addiction my whole life. Bad habits have been passed on down the line. It stops here! Enough!
And my first attempts didn't start just 5 years ago... NO! I've worked at it my whole life. Sometimes more than other times of my life. You know how that goes! ;-)-
But as I said, each mistake led me here. Each mistake taught me a HUGELY valuable lesson! The kind of lessons that are costly & set you back quite a bit, but that you'll NEVER forget.. I'll never make THAT mistake again! Haha!
Moderation works for some people, but not for me. Never has; never will; not even after I shed all this excess weight. People like me have a physiological difference that makes it so. So I deal with it however is best for ME. And this is it.
See... I don't just aim to lose weight. Weight is just merely one other symptom of poor health. My goal is to feel GOOD! To be truly HEALTHY inside & out!! I want to be free of pain, stiffness, fatigue & have all kinds of energy to do all the things I want & need to do in this life I've been given!!
And you know what?? I have!! I have experienced the AMAZING, INCREDIBLE joy & MIRACLE of finally being free of crippling pain & stiffness!! After 15 YEARS of suffering with plantar fasciitis/ gout, it's finally GONE!! Do you know how amazing it is to be able to finally walk at a normal speed?? To not look & feel like a dork/ freak with a limp?? It's friggin awesome!! (The little things we so easily take for granted huh?) items for bridesmaid that not expensive
I'd tried SOOO many things to make plantar fasciitis improve... not much luck, I tell ya!! The most effective thing that ever worked was CHANGING MY DIET!! Yeah, I know! Easier said than done, right?? You got that right, my friend! It is! But it's SO worth it!! I'm worth it! You're worth it!
Every fruitarian I know eats now how they do because they became sick & tired of being sick & tired. No body that doesn't feel the ill effects of having abused their body all these years, just decides to give it up & turn raw. -None that I've known of anyway...
And what else? My mood is so much better... no more depression/ anxiety... whew! Thank GOD!! I feel happy much more often. I have more energy & it keeps getting better. B/P has improved greatly, skin tags have fallen off, and about 40 other wonderful things that are so personal I'm not going to share them all here, but they're pretty dang awesome!!
You'd be amazed what's going on in your body that is caused by the food you eat!! I can't say this enough!! I learn this over & over & over again!! Just imagine how many things for a moment... Okay.. now multiply that by at LEAST 100, right off the bat!! Boy are you missing out on a lot of terrific health blessings! I hope you'll soon have the courage to get tired of being sick & tired too!! You have SO much potential!!
No friends.. this isn't a temporary thing that Katie is up to... not another fad.... This is a lifetime gig for me. Why on earth would I work so hard to regain health & feel SO much better, just to go BACK to all the same crap that got me in a bad situation in the first place??? Right??
Nope.. this is NOT about weight loss. It's about obtaining optimal health & well-being.
For years, we've all been told the big, fat LIE that even fruit sugars are bad for us, makes us fat & leads to candida. Well, guess what?? WRONG!! Here... you know ME!! This is how I lost the weight & got rid of the candida! WITH FRUIT!!! THOUSANDS & THOUSANDS have lost weight & allowed their bodies to heal themselves on a raw, low fat, fruitarian diet!
Your body craves sweetness for a reason! Fruit is colorful & appealing looking for a reason! Veggies are less appealing for a reason!!
Check out The 80/10/10 Diet book
by Douglas N. Graham
He does an excellent job at explaining why fruit makes the best food for us. It's a fun, easy, & quick read! My most favorite health book I've ever read!
Check out Dr. Robert Morse. He's a doctor that has done just what all those wonderful quotes say.. He's healed thousands and thousands of even the worst cases with JUST fruit & herbs!!
He has TONS of videos, as well as Questions & Answers online.
There are FB groups where you can learn more & gain support, as well.
Links below...