I get questions on a daily basis about how to build gluteus (the "butt muscle") I was not born with gluteus or big legs. I worked my ass of (or on?
) for 3 years lifting as heavy as I could consistently every single week with 3 leg-days a week. Everyone is different and will have different results depending on fitness level/nutrition/training/genetics/rest/motivation etc. Your body is adapting to stress (training) (weight training is a form of stress and your body will adapt
by building bigger muscles - it's the body's "survival mechanism")
At the same time I was also keeping my nutrition on point. A lot of girls don't understand how much food it takes to build muscles so they under eat and they will not build any muscles. Because your muscles can't grow from air.. You need the right amount of calories/macro nutrients (carbs, protein and fats) to be able to build muscle. Don't be scared of eating, ladies mauve items to wear for the maid of the brides
I would usually recommend 300 calories more than your daily expenditure. (And yes girls you need to eat more than you expend or you won't grow) Eat to get strong!
There are two phases in building muscles; bulking and cutting.
Eat and build and then cut calories slowly when you feel like you have put on enough muscle.
I hope this information is helpful and continue training hard
Consistency is the key in training no matter of what your goals are.