List of raffle prizes - to date: 6th Feb:
*Acoustic guitar lessons
*Sirenty EP*****
*Pretty Babs CD*****
*Jack Parr (actor) signed headshots*****
*Customised designer felt dragon
*Toy Princess Castle
*Toy Pirate Island
*Teddy Bear
*HUGE Booful Dog Toy
*Younique Make Up Consultation
*Younique Make Up Voucher*****
*Fancy Hat Hire
*Remote controlled toy car
*Trilogy of novels
*Hand made fabric bag/purse*****
*Traditional wooden games*****
*Debenhams voucher*****
i-Jump session
Meat voucher
*Tap Haus voucher
Professional German Shepherd Dog artwork*****
Award winning short story book
Signed poetry book
1 full dog groom
Witch Tripper CD & merchandise
Rock School lesson
*Designer baby dress (0-3months)*****
*Family/Child gifted photographic portrait session with a FREE print
*Furniture store voucher
*Odeon Cinema Tickets*****
*Mansfield Palace Theatre Tickets
*2 MTFC Saturday Kids Club Tickets
*1st wedding dance lesson
*PDSA t-shirts *****
Isn't it worth having a go?
Online raffle prizes with ***** on the right hand side.
Details below of how to get your tickets below.
All you have to do is donate £1 per strip of raffle tickets to the JustGiving page, (link below), then let me know along with your address & how many strips of tickets I need to allocate, in case we are able to send you a prize at the end of April. short designer wedding dresses
As soon as I see your donation, I will send, to your inbox, a photograph of your raffle tickets, so that you know your unique numbers.(Please DO NOT add Gift Aid, as you are receiving something in return for the donation!)
There will be a raffle on the big day at the Foxy & Fudge Hop for those who are able to attend the event.
PLEASE REMEMBER: This is the link for your ticket donations too!
Thank you for your interest.
Lots of love,
Tina, Teegan, Foxy & Fudge
. xxx
(If the link below isn't live, just copy & paste into your browser; it will work.)