What a difference a year can make! On the left is a picture of Davis and me! I was pregnant (obviously), mere weeks from having him. Nothing fit me anymore. I remember being so down on myself because I felt so terrible. I felt like a stranger in my own body. My mind was constantly swirling with self doubt, self criticism, and a general distaste for the human race, as a whole. You could write some of that off to hormones, but it went deeper than that. Looking back, I can tell you with certainty that I brought that terrible pregnancy on myself. I stayed so sick, and it's because I was poisoning myself with my own mind. By constantly being negative and cynical and complaining about everything, I manifested sickness into my life. Sounds a little woo woo, doesn't it? Yeah, it did to me, too. But it's true! sleeved maid of honor wears that is modest and conservative
The picture on the right is also a picture of Davis and me, taken over the weekend. Since beginning to cultivate positive habits and loving thoughts, and once I began practicing self love and gratitude every day, my life has transformed. I've dropped 45 pounds, and I've kept it off for almost a year! I'm more patient. I don't give nearly as many f*cks about unimportant stuff. I love deeper and more openly. I'm much more driven. I dream BIGGER! I know that I'm meant to make a difference in this world! I've stopped people pleasing. I love myself and want to honor my body with clean food and daily exercise. I credit these two changes for serving as the catalyst for so many other positive changes in my life.
I am so worthy of living an amazing life. My family is so worthy of living an amazing life. And YOU ARE TOO! In fact, you already do. It's just a matter of shifting your thoughts to come from a place of abundance rather than from a place of lack. If you're ready to change your heart, your mind, and your body, find the courage to take the first step. It won't be the easiest thing you've ever done, but it won't be as hard as living a life you're not crazy about. You already have a spot in my group, but you just have claim it! Send me a message. Let me help you get plugged in to change. You won't regret it! Let today be your DAY 1!