Gina's Bridal Shop
Cassandra's New Gown
After leaving Todd's Antique Shop with her purchase Cassandra opened the trunk of her car to put her package safely inside. All winter she had been planning both of her daughter's weddings! Now it was her turn.
Gina Braithwaite ( Gina Marie ) was surprised to see Cassandra Randulf enter her Bridal Shop that morning! She had received her invitation to the handfasting ceremony yesterday in the mail, surprised by the sudden turn of events!
"Gina, I was wondering if you might help me select a gown on May fifth for my handfasting ceremony. I don't know too many of the customs, and I wouldn't want to embarrass my family or Danior. " explained Cassandra.
"Cassandra, you don't want anything too flashy or shall we say- revealing, however, I would recommend a cheerful color!"
"Gina, that sounds heavenly. All winter I did nothing but plan both of my daughter's weddings. Truthfully until today it never occurred to me what to about buying a new gown." confided Cassandra.
" Well, don't worry! We'll find you the perfect gown! In fact, I have two gowns in mind that would match your blue eyes! And, if not, we'll just keep looking until we do!" said Gina, smiling. Every new bride to be was always nervous about her gown!
Cassandra wondered what her married life would be like with Danior Sanhari, her tall, handsome Gypsy, with his brooding dark brown eyes and long black hair. They both were so alike, yet different in so many ways. At least this was her decision to make. wedding dresses for tall brides
"What do you think of this blue gown with the gold on the bodice and skirt? " inquired Gina.
"Oh, what did you say? Sorry, Gina, I wasn't paying attention."
"Oh,you were probably daydreaming! Don't worry! It's natural."
"Oh, my the gown is lovely! "
"Before we go back to the dressing room there's another one I'd like you to try on before making up your mind."
Hanging up her first choice, Gina selected a lavender and pale blue chiffon gown with a sweetheart neckline.
"What an unusual gown! The colors are gorgeous."
Opening the door to the dressing room Gina hung up both gowns on the door, ready to begin.
"Could we start with the royal blue gown trimmed in gold first, please, before the other one?" asked Cassandra.
"Of course! " answered Gina with a smile on her face.
Before she knew it, Cassandra found herself looking at herself in the mirror, the gown was lovely- but it made her feel awkward.
"Well, what do you think? " Gina asked, sensing her hesitation.
"This isn't the one...maybe this will sound silly, but, the chiffon gown seems to be calling to me." " replied Cassandra.
"No, it doesn't sound funny at all! Every bride knows when they find just their heart's desire! Now, let's get you out of this gown and into the other one."
"Sounds like a plan to me! " laughed Cassandra, thinking that she resembled a store mannequin in the gown she was wearing.
"What's so funny? "
"I feel like a store mannequin it this one. " Cassandra told Gina, giggling.
"Oh!" and Gina laughed at the remark.
After Gina had finished helping Cassandra into the other gown, she added a pair of gold hoop earrings as Cassandra undid her long blonde hair, letting it fall down around her shoulders.
The image in the mirror was of an exotic woman's reflection staring back at Cassandra! It made her feel beautiful!
Cassandra felt as if she were on cloud nine!
"Gina, this is the one, the colors remind me of Springtime, it is absolutely perfect for the Handfasting Ceremony in the glen! " she exclaimed, happily twirling around in the gown.
"I thought so! Now, after we get you changed the fun begins again by picking your accessories. "
"I can't wait! "
Gina left the room, taking out the other gown so she could replace it in the inventory. Smiling to herself. she had just known her instincts about how to dress for a wedding were right on point, as always!