I am starting to lose hope in finding my dog...
I am still missing my Buddy dog. He is my husbands service dog and is very valuable to him. It is imperative that we find him as soon as possible; I believe he has been roaming in the desert this whole time. He went missing 7/8/17 from my backyard off Pahute Rd and Potomac Road in Apple Valley. He is not chipped. The phone number on his tag is disconnected, you can reach me at 760-217-7583. Please if you have seen or have Buddy, we need him home due to my husbands medical issues. He is a pit bull that is FAWN and WHITE with an all BLACK nose. He has PINK skin just above and below his nose. He has a large WHITE patch between his eyes that runs down his muzzle and around his nose. He has a WHITE neck and chest and all four paws are WHITE. white color garments for graduation ceremony