2 more items I made recently.
Black cossack shirt which wasa bit of a pain cos it was both sheer and too dark to mark clearly. So may need some more work when I thought I had it complete.
& purple velvet jeans. I'm just redoing the seam finishes which didn't catch everything on first attempt. These took me longer than I'd hoped anyway I had to keep reworking elements. I need to jot down notes while i'm in the process of makes so I don't forget things between makes since it can frequently be several months.
This was a fabric I haven't worked in before. It is one I am going to try to make a jacket in before long. Hoping I have a chance to wear it before weather gets too hot though. But seems to have worked out ok and seems not to have shown frequent reworking to get this far. I thought I might need very different seam finishes etc but have made these in the way I have in other fabrics. with jacket items to wear of the occasions
Same waistcoat as the one i depicted yesterday so i think I may need to do a few more of those. & this now has walkman earphones sticking out the pocket. Could swear those didn't used to stick out and take up as much space before.